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Web Monetization Providers (Sending Payments)

This page is a proposal for how browsers can implement Web Monetization. All information is considered experimental and conversations are ongoing. If you are a content creator you can skip this page.

This page describes the functions of the Web Monetization provider and how the provider could manifest as a payment handler. Web Monetization providers are also known as Web Monetization senders.

A Web Monetization sender is a digital entity that makes payments on behalf of a user and is capable of sending micropayments to Web Monetization receivers.

The Web Monetization sender interfaces with a browser so the Web Monetization agent (e.g. extension) can send payment instructions, such as who to pay, when, and how much.

Payment Handler API

Our expectation is the Web Monetization (WM) sender will manifest as a payment handler as follows.

The WM sender interface leverages the Payment Handler API. The API contains capabilities that enable web applications to handle requests for payments. You can read the working draft of the spec on the W3C website.

The Payment Handler API aligns well with the model anticipated for WM senders: A WM sender could manifest as a specialized payment handler capable of returning not just a PaymentResponse but also a handle to a stream of micropayments.

monetization - payment method

Payment handlers able to act as WM senders MUST register themselves with the platform as supportive of the monetization payment method.

The monetization payment method identifier will be registered as a standardized payment method through the Web Payments WG at W3C.

PaymentRequestEvent - event

When the user's browser sends a payment via the WM sender, the browser emits a PaymentRequestEvent.

The PaymentRequestEvent contains a single PaymentMethodData dictionary in the PaymentRequestEvent.methodData property.

The PaymentMethodData dictionary contains the value monetization in the supportedMethods property. data is an instance of a MonetizationRequest containing the destination (WM receiver) address to send to, the condition, and expiry values to use. The payment handler uses this data to send a single Interledger payment to the destination address. The amount sent by the payment handler is the amount specified in is an instance of PaymentCurrencyAmount specifying both an amount (value) and a currency.

dictionary PaymentCurrencyAmount {
required DOMString currency;
required DOMstring value;

The payment handler then invokes PaymentRequestEvent.respondWith():

// Promise that resolves with a PaymentResponse.

And responds with either a pass or a fail:

For more information about the JavaScript Promise object, see the MDN Web docs.

MonetizationRequest - dictionary

The data in the MonetizationRequest emitted to the payment handler contains the destination (WM receiver) address for the payment, the condition, expiry, and data to use in the Interledger packet.

dictionary MonetizationRequest {
required DOMString destination;
required DOMString condition;
required DOMString expiry;
DOMString data;
destinationThe ILP address of the WM receiver for this session.
condition32 bytes, base64-encoded condition to use for the ILP packet. The WM receiver must be able to fulfill this condition.
expiryExpiration date and time for when the ILP packet expires.
dataBase64-encoded additional data to send in the ILP packet.

MonetizationResponse - dictionary

The data in the MonetizationResponse that is sent by the payment handler contains the fulfillment from the successful payment and the data from the fulfill packet.

dictionary MonetizationRequest {
required DOMString fulfillment;
DOMString data;
fulfillment32 bytes, base64-encoded fulfillment from the ILP packet (returned by the payee).
dataBase64-encoded additional data received from the ILP packet.

Open authorization issues

When the payment handler is invoked (handling a new PaymentRequestEvent) it's expected to send a payment on behalf of the user.

If the payment handler is not authorized to send payments it can either:

  • Invoke PaymentRequestEvent.openWindow() to provide a UI to the user to log in and authorize the payment
  • Reject the request by passing a rejected Promise to PaymentRequestEvent.respondWith() and let the browser handle the case

Invoke is quite intrusive on the user experience unless it's throttled by the browser in some way. Reject is likely to result in a lot of failures that go undetected.

Supporting payment streams

As detailed in the explainer, the user's browser receives a unique destination address and shared secret for each monetization session (e.g. page refresh, navigation). This specification assumes that the browser will handle the generation of a new condition using the shared secret for each payment it wants to send.

Note that the browser will then emit multiple PaymentRequestEvent events (one for each payment). This is in contrast to how the event is expected to be emitted. The expectation is that a website creates a single PaymentRequest event. The single event is emitted as a result of the website calling show() and the user selecting a payment instrument. In this case (with a single event), the calling website waits for the Promise returned by show(), then resolves the value passed by the payment handler to respondWith().

While this proposal requires minimal changes to the Payment Handler API specification it does imply some changes to the Handling a Payment Request and MethodData Population algorithms.